The New Zealand government has launched a new recruitment campaign to fill the shortages in teachers for New Zealand schools. They are looking for at least 400 teachers from overseas to fill the shortage by the start of the new school term in September.
It has been reported that around 183 immigrant and expatriate teachers have been approved for relocation grants to move to New Zealand during the last 12 months. However, this is currently falling short by 50% of the number of teachers required.
Principals of New Zealand schools have welcomed the recruitment campaign but are still said to be concerned that there still may not be enough teachers to cover the shortage. In particular, they are concerned about the implications on subjects which are typically harder to recruit for; maths, science and technology.
There has been a significant drop in domestic trained teachers. In part, the slump is thought to have been due to high housing costs in Auckland which have made it difficult for teachers to remain in the area.
The recruitment campaign is covering Auckland and the rest of New Zealand. Of the 183 grants that have been approved during the last 12 months, 126 have been awarded to immigrants, the majority of which are from Britain and 57 to returning New Zealanders.
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