When it comes to moving internationally, we appreciate that there can be baffling amounts of terminology. Here we’ve created a glossary of the main terms that are often associated with shipping household goods and vehicles abroad, to help make things a little clearer.
Our international team are always on hand to help de-mystify any of the terminology and to assist you in shipping household goods and/ or vehicles to any part of the world and can be contacted on 01902 714555 or by sales@burkebros.co.uk.
Bill of lading (B/L): this is effectively a receipt of a shipment of goods delivered to your required destination. It also acts as proof of ownership of the cargo and provides the terms and conditions of the contract of carriage.
Bonded goods: these are dutiable goods upon which excise duty hasn’t yet been paid. The goods are in transit or are warehoused. The bond is an agreement between the owner of the goods with customs and excise authority. The owner is to pay the duty when the goods are released.
Bonded warehouse: warehouse under customs control where cargo in transit is kept or where cargo is kept pending customs clearance
Bulk head: a partition in a container, to provide front wall protection against shifting cargo and can also reduce the risk of spreading fire to other compartments.
Clear: to clear is to process through customs
Certificate of inspection: a document which confirms that goods are in a good condition prior to their shipment.
Certificate of origin: a document certified by the Chamber of Commerce confirming the origin of the goods and is required in some instances by customs authorities for clearance.
Consignee: the receiver of a consignment.
Consignment note: a certain amount of cargo, defined by one transport document where its weight, size, number of parcels or appearance are stated.