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Packing Tips for Self-Storage

Mar 02. 2018

Once you’ve opted to store your items in a self-storage facility, it’s important your items are packed appropriately to ensure that they remain in their best condition and that the transporting of the goods into the facility is as easy as possible.

It’s well worth labelling boxes with a list of contents and also keeping an inventory of what you have placed in storage. If you do want to access your effects during their storage period, you’ll appreciate taking the time to label the boxes! If you’re putting some of your goods into storage during a house move, try to be as organised as you can and label your boxes. For any boxes that contain delicate items, remember to add a ‘fragile’ label to the box.

Keep it covered
Avoid using boxes or crates without a cover. The contents will naturally accrue dust over time, despite the cleanliness of the self-storage facility.
Pack it out
Any space left between items within boxes will allow for movement of your possessions when transporting them. This could result in breakages. It could also allow boxes to collapse if they are stacked in the storage room.

Distribute the weight
Pack heavy items towards the bottom of boxes and place lighter items towards the top. Most self-storage facilities should provide premises that are easy to access and to load your possessions into, but bear in mind that the boxes still need to be lifted and carried; so distribute the weight of the contents accordingly.

At Burke Bros Moving Group we have excellent, safe and secure self-storage facilities at our head office. For any further information on our self-storage facilities, or to view our premises, or for advice on packing for self-storage please contact us on 01902 714555 or email sales@burkebros.co.uk.

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