It’s easy to get caught up in the packing and logistics of moving house and forget to ensure that all relevant parties have been notified of your change of address. Beyond friends and family there are still a number of people and organisations that need to be aware of the change in you contact details. It’s important to keep a check list of who you’ve contacted so that you can spot any oversights. We’ve compiled a list below of some of the essential organisations to update on your new address:
1. Education and childcare providers: schools, nurseries, university etc
2. Medical contacts: doctor’s surgery, dentist, opticians, hospitals if you are receiving treatment
3. Insurance providers
4. The local authority: for the purposes of council tax and electoral registration the councils you are moving from and to will need to be aware of the change.
5. Financial organisations: banks and building societies and credit/store cards
6. Royal Mail: arrange re-direction of any mail that does appear at the old premises.
7. Utility companies: give at least 48 hours’ notice to energy suppliers and water companies of your move. Similarly give notice to broadband provider and landline providers
8. Subscriptions: magazines, newspapers or charities for example to whom you have subscribed for mail.
9. TV Licensing authority
10. HMRC
11. DVLA
With more than 35 years of experience in the moving industry, we’re more than happy to offer advice on any aspect of the removals process. For any further information please contact us on 01902 714555 or email