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Global Talent Sought as the Canadian Technology Sector Continues to Benefit from Investment

May 03. 2019

It is expected that over 18,000 skilled jobs will be created within Waterloo, Toronto and Ottawa after the Canadian government’s announcement to invest $57.4M in an ‘Ontario innovation network.’

This month saw Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announce the funding for the new ‘scale-up platform’ programme which is set to benefit technology companies. Funds are expected to be split between three of the country’s leading innovation hubs. These being Communitech in Kitchener, the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto and Invest Ottawa.

It is planned that the three innovation hubs will collectively support around 30 companies to grow and expand. The long term plan being that these companies should then be able to achieve revenues of at least $100M by 2024.

Plans are also in place to support the sourcing of talent for Canada’s ever growing tech sector from overseas. There is a considerable interest among technology employers to recruit globally to ensure they have the best talent to thrive, prosper and, in turn, create more job opportunities.

Canada is increasingly recruiting for overseas technology experts to help grow its ‘Toronto-Waterloo corridor’ and it is this investment in talent that is helping to push the network into one of the top 20 tech clusters in the world.

To this end, the recent addition of the ‘Global Talent Stream’ to the options of entry into the country maybe found to be of benefit to some technology experts looking to make the move. Several technology related occupations are on the ‘eligible occupations list’ for the stream and the process essentially enables the technology companies to draft in eligible candidates within ten working days.

Burke Bros Moving Group provide international moving services covering all areas of Canada. For further information on the process of moving household effects and vehicles to the country, our International Team are on hand and can be contacted on 01902 714555 or sales@burkebros.co.uk and our dedicated webpages can be seen here.

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