We like to be surrounded by bright-sparks at Burke Bros Moving Group and Laura Burke, our Sales Co-ordinator, has certainly proven that she has a good head for numbers!
Laura has now successfully achieved a level 3 in AAT Accounting. Having already passed the level 2 qualification last year, Laura continued her studies at Telford College this year to complete the next level of the AAT course.
Balancing her studies with a full time post with Burke Bros Moving Group and 1 day per week at college for an academic year, she has studied several areas of accountancy from: professional ethics, costs and revenues to indirect tax.
Laura said: “I’m really pleased to have completed this next qualification and know that the hard work has paid off.” Laura plans to continue her studies in the next academic year and study for the highest level of the qualification (level 4).
On behalf of Burke Bros Moving Group we would like to congratulate Laura on this achievement and look forward to her continued success.