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Moving Abroad and Working Remotely

Nov 08. 2022

Remote working remains a prominent subject and is continuing to shape working arrangements for many companies and organisations. Whilst debate continues to rage about whether remote working has improved or adversely affected productivity levels and output amongst employees, remote working remains very much at the forefront of workplace trends. With the demise of the traditional concept of the office, the comparative geographical freedom of remote working has also opened up an interest in international moving.

There is of course many factors to take into account if you’re considering moving overseas to work remotely in another country. A recent report from NordLayer looks at the top 10 countries for remote workers. The report evaluates, what it considers to be some of the socio-economic conditions that are key for remote workers. In particular, the findings factor in: the countries’ safety, level of tourist interest, proficiency in English, cost of living and healthcare. The report is part of NordLayer’s Global Remote Work Index (GRWI), which also factors in the relative cybersecurity conditions, digital and physical infrastructure, and COVID-19 response of each country.

It has concluded that the top 10 countries with the best socio-economic conditions for remote work are as follows:
1. Canada
2. United Kingdom
3. Portugal
4. USA
5. Germany
6. Austria
7. Slovenia
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Spain

The full list of countries in the report can be seen here

Notably, the report explored that there are some common trends in the data that it collected. For example, whilst the level of proficiency in English was a key factor for remote workers, it was also noted that countries with higher levels of proficiency tended to be the more expensive countries to live in (i.e. the USA, Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany.) Meanwhile, countries such as Malta, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates may rank well in terms of their economic conditions but they tend to fall short when it comes to cybersecurity. Remote workers in these countries could be at risk of more cybersecurity issues than those in other countries of similar socio-economic conditions.

The report also poses some useful practices when it comes to working securely when working remotely. Namely, it’s best to keep separate devices for personal use and for work use. If you use the same device and/ or account for both personal and business use, this could increase the chance of you exposing your employer’s devices to risk. Equally, it’s important to keep your home network secure and use a reliable VPN (virtual private network.) Most organisations will have a business VPN in place, but it’s worth having one for your individual use anyway.

If you do opt for an international move, our international moving experts are on hand to advise you on how to move your household effects overseas. Get your new life abroad off to the best possible start by arranging a stress-free move with our international and European moving teams.

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